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Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You Volumes 4-5

October 12, 2010

Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You volumes 4-5
Karuho Shiina
Published by: Viz Media [Shojo Beat imprint]
from the publisher: [Volume 4] Kurumi’s got it all–looks, popularity and friends. But underneath Kurumi’s friendly exterior is a manipulative girl who’ll do anything to get what she wants! And she wants Kazehaya! Will Kurumi’s plotting drive Kazehaya and Sawako apart, or will it instead draw them even closer together?
[Volume 5] Sawako finally realizes that her feelings for Kazehaya are more than just admiration. But this novice in love has a lot to learn about romance. Not that Chizu can help her out any–she’s got enough worries of her own to deal with! Can either of these shy girls take the next step toward a real relationship?

my ramblings: Holy crap, I live. I know, I know, it’s been a month since my last actual review, but this month of school has been insane. Junior year of college is trying its best to kick my butt!! Right now are the only 2 hours that I have really free this week. Thank God for blogging as a getaway!! Anyway, I finally got caught up on the releases for some series (like KimiTodo though volume 6 comes out next month!), so on to the review!!

I know some people don’t like this series because it is so slow paced, but gosh do I ever love it! I know a lot of people think Sawako is an unrealistic heroine, but I really see a lot of myself in her. I’m not the kind of person who goes out on a limb to meet people, just like Sawako. I definitely think that my friends are the reason I am who I am, and Chizu and Yano-chin are definitely big influences in Sawako’s life

These two volumes finish the Kurumi arc, which is interesting and leaves Kurumi as Sawako’s “rival,” even though we all know in the end it’s pretty obviously going to be Sawako and Shota. To be honest, I really hated Kurumi at first, but Shiina-sensei really did a fantastic job of making her into a likable character in the end; I hope she shows up some more even though her arc is over.

I also really, really enjoyed chapter 18, where the whole gang (Sawako, Yano-chin, Chizu-chan, Shota, and Ryu) go to Pin’s house to deal with his cold. The entire chapter is laugh out loud funny antics by the whole cast. I almost wish Pin would show up more, because he always makes things more interesting (especially when he says something intelligent and then messes it up by being arrogant!).

The only thing I noticed about the editing on the volume was that the spine’s colors were different from volume 3 to 4 to 5. It’s completely nitpicking, but it kind of annoys me to see that they don’t copy/paste the color from one cover to the next. I’m not talking about the author’s name and the book number, since they’re completely different colors across the board to match the front cover, but the Shojo Beat symbol is a different shade of the same color on different volumes. The editing was otherwise fantastic as I expect from Viz. I’m really glad they got this series over some other company!

I can’t wait for the next volume~ Kimi ni Todoke is a definite buy for those who love adorable series and don’t mind them being slow-paced. I wish more of the Margaret and Betsuma series would be licensed (*hinthint*)Also, someone needs to license the anime!! Especially with the announcement of season 2~ It would be a definite pre-order/release-day purchase for me!

5 Comments leave one →
  1. warriorhope permalink
    October 12, 2010 4:59 pm

    I’m not the kind of person who goes out on a limb to meet people, just like Sawako. I definitely think that my friends are the reason I am who I am, and Chizu and Yano-chin are definitely big influences in Sawako’s life”

    Motto. I really liked the empathsis the series puts on friendship.

    Kurumi, I was on the fence on, but I heard that she was going to be likeable one day, so I tried not to hate her too much. I think she shows up a lot in the confession arc, from what i’ve heard around.

    ” I wish more of the Margaret and Betsuma series would be licensed (*hinthint*)”

    I’m hoping for Ryou or Home atleast (Rinko Ueda~), But yes I would like more series.

    • warriorhope permalink
      October 12, 2010 5:01 pm

      oh and good luck with school stuff. I have a crappy week coming and I don’t want to think about November. So soldierity and all that. ^_^

  2. October 12, 2010 6:02 pm

    Sorry to hear school is eating away at your face D:
    (for some reason, it was opposite for me. Sophomore year was crazy and Junior year was a breeze, but that might be because I took all my hard crazy classes during my Sophomore year (like physics…YUCK!). Senior year was just…”let it be over and done with already!” xD Senioritis was such a bitch to shake off)

    One day, when I get better at reading Japanese, I will definitely get this series (but I wanna read Otomen first though! Just because of Asuka x3)

    Good luck with school!
    You can do it! *fist pump*

  3. October 17, 2010 2:50 pm

    @warriorhope: I love the emphasis of friends too~ I actually heard about a conversation between one of my best friends and another friend and from what she said, it seems my best friend knows me almost better than I know myself, haha. There need to more non-bitchy friends in manga!

    yes, yes, yes to UeRin~ :D :D :D :D Especially HOME, it was super cute and it’s short, which the publishers seem to go for nowadays.

    And thanks~ I think I actually did well on everything! :D I got one grade back already and did really well, and I felt good about my other two tests. and good luck to you too!!! :D

    @sylphalchemist: haha, it’s cool. It was midterm week, so it was to be expected. I even made time for a Taco Bell run, so it turned out ok. x3
    My junior year of high school was the hardest for me too, I think I got an early case of senioritis in both cases. :3

    Do it~ It’s sooo cute. (and Otomen too! I just read the 5th volume of that and literally laughed out loud for like 5 minutes on one page, Aya Kanno is awesome!)

    Good luck to you too! :D


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